Delphi (Embarcadero)

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Delphi (Embarcadero)

A sample Delphi project is located in the installation folder, subfolder delphi.


Sample project:


1.Insert "vpxPrint.pas" (version 10.35) in the uses phrase.




2.Calling vpxPrint functions:


When typing the code, after entering vpxprint., the Delphi context menu displays the functions available in the unit vpxPrint.pas.

Functions may be prefixed with vpxprint. or not.






List of functions and procedures (vpxPrint.pas): (refer to the DLL entry points)


// Delphi interface 4GL vpxPrint

// =============================

procedure printFile(const FileName:    string);

procedure printXFile(const FileName, password:    string);

function printFileStat(const FileName:    string):  integer;

function getCPI(const FontSize: integer): string;

function getLPI(const Fontstring: string): string;

function xPrintVersion: string;

function pageCount(Filename: string): integer;

procedure setKeyA(password: string);

function encryptA(iValue: ansiString): ansiString;

function encryptW(iValue: String): String;

procedure setPassword(const password:    string);

function getMailResult: string;

function ExecuteAndWait(prog, param, defdir: string; viewmode: integer): integer;

function xCrypt(iFile, iPassword: string): integer;

function xUnCrypt(iFile, iPassword: string): integer;

function getPrinterRes(): integer;

function getDefaultPrinter: string;

function getPrinterDefault: string;

function getPrinter: string;

function getINWidth(text, font: string): string;

function getMMWidth(text, font: string): string;


function printerDialog: string;

function fontDialog(device: integer = 2): string;

procedure getImageDim(filename: string; var w, h: integer);

function getLastPrinter: string;

function getTextHeight(const text, font: string; pixels: integer): integer;

function textHeight(const text, font: string; width: integer): integer;


//function  getPrinterList(max: integer = 16384): string;

function getPrinterList: TStringList;

function escapeHTML(const text: string): string;

procedure vDebug(const onOff: boolean);


function  numEntries(const A: string; D: char = ','): integer;

function  entry(const i: integer; const A: string; D: char = ','): string;
