Escape sequences

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Escape sequences

If escape sequences not covered by vpxPrint are needed, consider using <ESCAPE>.


Syntax :


<ESCAPE=escape_sequence>  where escape_sequence is a character string to send to the printer.

Binary characters can be coded with the escape char # or \, followed by the decimal value format '999'.

The three numeric characters are mandatory.  ESC character (1B in hex, 033 base 8) is expressed as : #027 or \027  


Each page can have his own escape sequence, written anywhere in the page. vpxPrint sends it before writing any character on top of the page.


The control sequence is sent without any modification (or control) to the printer. So it's safe to limit the usage of 'page-control' sequences (prefer DUPLEX or BIN tags…)  



Notes :

The <ESCAPE> tag can be located anywhere in the page and you can store multiples <ESCAPE> in a page. But only the last one will be sent.

The ESCAPE sequence is sent at the beginning of each page. It's a PAGE ESCAPE SEQUENCE, not a character escape sequence. Its goal is to provide a way to send sequences such as OUTPUT TRAY SELECTION, duplex printing and can't be used to assign characters attributes.

If you have to send a \ or a > character in the escape sequence, replace these characters with the corresponding ascii values.