<FAX> FAX Interface

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<FAX> FAX Interface

WinFAX© interface


vpxPrint is interfaced with WinFax© from Symantec.  If you have WinFax (or Delrinafax) installed on your computer, you can directly send a fax from within your application.




<FAX-PRINTER=name of printer>  

Name of the Delrina FAX printer


Example : <FAX-PRINTER=DelFax>


<FAX-SUBJECT=subject info>

Subject of the fax message.  


<FAX-NUMBER=fax number>

FAX number

Note : The fax number must include all necessary information like area number or prefix.


<FAX-RECIPNAME=name of the recipient>

FAX recipient name (addressee).  


<FAX-RECIPCOMPANY=Recipient Company>

FAX recipient company







Sets the FAX mode.


Note: When specifying <SENDFAX=IMMEDIATE>, then the sending begins before the preview occurs and is done silently.

When <SENDFAX> or <SENDFAX=PREVIEW> is specified, then no fax is sent but a 'send FAX' button appears in the preview window, leaving the user to click on the FAX button to fax the document





You don't need to preview the report before faxing it. If you specify <SENDFAX=IMMEDIATE,NOPREVIEW>, then the fax is sent and control is returned to the application without preview or print.

The Delrina Fax controller must be running in order to receive the fax request.


How to send fax without DelrinaFax


If you don't use the DelrinaFax server, you may use your usual fax server.


All FAX servers use TIF CCITT formatted pages. vpxPrint is able to create CCITT TIF pages. Use <EXPORT=xxxxxxxxx.TIF,BW> to create such files.

(BW is BLACK and WHITE option of TIF format).


Just put this file in the outbox directory of your file server.

     Have a look at your FAX server documentation and locate a page "External interfaces" or something like that... You will find there the format of the interface file that must be created to set the recipient name, fax number etc. It's usually a text file that your application must create and refer to the TIF file created with vpxPrint.