Problems with a driver

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Problems with a driver

Some printers drivers have different ways to print depending on elements or settings external to vpxPrint.


For example, the same printer with the same drivers settings can print the same report differently with Windows 10 and Windows 7.


The first way to solve the problem is of course to be sure to use the latest versions of all drivers.

But unfortunately, this is not always sufficient.


As it's sometimes difficult to get a quick and efficient answer from a great, important and well renowned company, vpxPrint 10.12b offers a way to shift the print area within a paper sheet.


The file called 'vpxPrinters.txt' can set any horizontal or vertical shift to apply to the page when printed.


File format:

It's an ASCII file with one line per printer for which you have to apply a shift

Each line is a tab-delimited list with 3 optional entries:

1.A printer name:                        the first part to match with the printer name (the printer name begins with)

2.the X (horizontal) shift in millimeters

3.the Y (vertical) shift in millimeters

each of these values is separated by a <TAB> character chr(9) from the previous one.


File location:

1.The file can be located in the system folder (system32 and/or sysWow64 depending on your system) (recommended)

2.The current default directory

3.The directory where the executable is located