Visual Studio VB

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Visual Studio VB

Detailed Visual Studio VB solutions are located in the subfolder vb of the installation folder.

They can be run in 32 or 64bit mode.


Visual Basic


1.Insert the "vpxPrint.vb" (version 10.35) class in the project, that defines the _xPrint class,

2.Instantiate this class with a "Dim vpxPrint As New _xPrint",

3.vpxPrint functions are called with "vpxPrint." prefix.




List of VB functions: (refer to the DLL entry points)

Function getPrinterRes() As Integer

Function getTextWidth(text As String, font As String) As Integer

Function getTextHeight(text As String, font As String, pixels As Integer) As Integer

Function textHeight(text As String, font As String, width As Integer) As Integer

Function getPrinter() As String

Function getLastPrinter() As String

Function getPrinterDefault() As String

Function getDefaultPrinter() As String

Sub     vDebug(toActive As Boolean, Optional filename As String = "")

Sub     getImageDim(filename As String, ByRef width As Integer, ByRef height As Integer)

Function saveFromClipBoard(filename As String) As Boolean

Function convertRTF(filename As String) As String

Function getMailResult() As String

Sub     setPassword(password As String)

Function ExecuteAndWait(exe As String, param As String, defdir As String, viewmode As Integer) As Integer

Function xPrintVersion() As String

Sub     printFile(filename As String)

Sub     printXFile(filename As String, password As String)

Function printFileStat(filename As String) As Integer

Sub     setKeyA(password As String)

Function encryptA(inputString As String) As String

Function encryptW(inputString As String) As String

Sub     xCrypt(filename As String, password As String)

Sub     xUnCrypt(filename As String, password As String)

Function pageCount(filename As String) As Integer

Function getLPI(fontDesc As String) As String

Function getCPI(fontSize As Integer) As String

Function fontDialog() As String

Function printerDialog() As String

Function escapeHTML(A As String) As String


Function Entry(i As Integer, A As String, Optional D As Char = ",") As String

Function numEntries(A As String, Optional D As Char = ",") As Integer